Virgin Rotomolding Powder

Virgin rotomolding power is a straight medium thickness polyethylene particularly intended for rotational applications. Virgin rotomolding power has a great stream, strength, affect resistance and natural anxiety split resistance (ESCR).

All powders are fabricated from prime virgin evaluations of polymers made by the significant polymer makers. Every one of the evaluations specified has been fabricated from polymers that meet the prerequisites to Indian Standard on "Polyethylene for its sheltered use in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water"

Every one of the hues is hot liquefy aggravated in superior extruders. This guarantees a uniform scattering of colors and added substances in the pitch. This improves the UV security of the polymer. It additionally counteracts shading variety frame item to item, color relocation and shade wipe off.


This rotomolding powder is used for various purposes like making of tanks, pots, toys etc.

Virgin Rotomolding Powder